Many of you women out there can relate, but I'm at that Age where suddenly all the feminine bits become Suspect of potential disaster, and for me, it has become such (on a small scale at least).
I mean, what IS this? Mammograms, Pap smears, Vaginal Biopsies, Cervix removals...etc. etc. etc. not to mention that in MY family, (we grow cancer very well), I also have to worry about colon cancer, and just about every other cancer to known thus far to the human race. So just about every oriface needs to be pecked at, poked at and dug into for the "good" of my being.
If God exists, he and I are going to have a talk. I mean, what the hell? Women start their periods at around 12-13 years of age, and begin a life full of emotional, physical or mental colossal messes that just lasts and lasts. In my case, I only had to deal with the physical bit, but that was enough to curse my gender to the ends of the earth.
And what - the only respite from this mess is either pregnancy or menopause? A helluva respite. And men? What? They don't have ANY mess. In fact, more often than not, they make nasty comments about it - there isn't a lot of understanding or commiseration. How could there be? They never had to go through periods, breast exams or pregnancy - they can't relate.
Interestingly enough - I learned recently that any male adolescent who indulged in excessive smoking or drinking, gains the elegant status of Erectile Disfunction by as early as 30 years of age (ah - this explains some Past Experiences). Of course, this disfunction as well as many other pharmaceuticals out there has made drugs like Viagra extremely popular. Just gauging by how many advertisements there are for Viagra, you would think that at least 90% of the male population suffered from this. I've learned that, in fact, that is pretty dern near the case! Hmmm.
Well, at least my bits will eventually (after 6 weeks...!) function without the help of Viagra et al.